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2023-12-04| 发布者: 渑池信息港| 查看: 135| 评论: 1|文章来源: 互联网

摘要: 中学英语单词用法复习精析impress和improve和inch等impress[ɪm'pres]v.使感动;给……深刻印象Shedidnotimpressmeatall.她没给我留下丝毫印象。Thesightsofthecityimpressforeigntourists.外国游客对该市留有深刻的印象。Hiswordsimpressedonmymemory.........
impress[ɪm'pres]v. 使感动;给……深刻印象 
She did not impress me at all.她没给我留下丝毫印象。
The sights of the city impress foreign tourists.外国游客对该市留有深刻的印象。
His words impressed on my memory. 他的话铭记在我的记忆里。 [impress sth. on/ upon sb. 使某人铭记某事,给某人留下印象]

I try to improve my English.我要提高我的英语水平。
We can only improve on the situation, right?我们只能改善现有情况,对不?[improve on改进,对…加以改良]
You had better do something to improve in your relationship.你们最好做些事情来改善你们的关系。[improve in在…有改进]

in[ɪn] prep.○1在…里(表示时间、地点),在…之后(表示时间)○2按照(表示方式);○3从事于‖adv.在屋里
He was in his car.他在他的汽车里。          
in a minute / moment 一会儿,立刻‖in a word 一句话;简言之‖in English 用英语‖in danger 处在危险状态‖in fact 实际上;事实上‖in front of 在……的前面‖be in 在家‖in no time 很快‖in order 按顺序‖in order to 为了……‖in some ways 在某些方面‖in surprise 吃惊,惊讶‖in style 时髦的;流行的‖in the air 在空中‖in the end 最后‖in the open (air) 在野外,在户外‖in this way 用这种方法‖in time 及时,来得及‖in a few minutes几分钟后

inch[ɪn(t)ʃ] n.[C]英寸;
Give him an inch, he will take a mile.给他一英寸,他就要一英里(得寸进尺)。
inch by inch逐渐地‖by inches. 缓慢地;逐渐地;

include[ɪn'kluːd] v包括;包含
The tour included a visit to the Science Museum.旅游项目中包括参观科学博物馆。

including[ɪn'kluːdɪŋ] prep. 包括;包含;把…列入
The band played many songs, including some of my favorite. 乐队演奏了许多歌曲,包括几首我最喜爱的。

Frederic Chopin was born in March 1810 near Warsaw in Poland(波兰). He was one of the greatest musicians in the world. In 1831, he went to Paris. No people but he could play the piano very well.
At that time people in Paris liked the Hungarian(匈牙利的) pianist Franz Liszt.
One night, at a concert, Liszt went to the piano and people shouted. As all the lights in the concert were turned off, a wonderful piano concert started. The music was so good that the listeners were all greatly interested. They kept praising(不停地赞扬) the pianist and thought that Liszt had reached something new in playing the piano.
Suddenly, all the lights were turned on again as the music came to an end. And there stood a young man instead of the famous Hungarian pianist Franz Liszt.
Liszt planned all this. As the lights went out, Liszt left his chair and let Chopin take his place. So with the help of Liszt and his own talent(天赋), Chopin soon became famous.
(    )6.Chopin was _______.
A.the greatest musician in the world B.a famous Polish(波兰的) pianist
C.a famous Paris pianist D.one of the greatest musicians in Hungary
(    )7.The wonderful piano concert started _______.
A.after all the lights were turned on B.when Liszt sat down at the piano
C.after the lights were turned off D.when Chopin went to the piano
(    )8.When the music came to an end, _______.
A.Liszt stood at the piano B.all the lights were turned off again
C.Chopin stood at the piano D.people went out of the hall
(    )9.Chopin became famous _______.
A.before he came to the concert
B.because he was a student of Liszt’s
C.because people in Paris liked him very much
D.since he played so well at the concert
(    )10.From the story we know _______.
A.Chopin could be famous because of his own talent and the help from Liszt
B.Liszt planned to make Chopin famous
C.Liszt was Chopin’s teacher
D.one could be famous only with the help of a famous pianist





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