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2023-12-08| 发布者: 渑池信息港| 查看: 135| 评论: 1|文章来源: 互联网

摘要: 中学英语单词知识点精讲jump和just和joy等joy[dʒɒɪ]n.[C,U]欢乐,快乐;高兴;乐趣Youaremyjoy.你就是我的快乐。Therearetearsofjoyinhereyes.她眼里含着喜悦的泪花。[tearsofjoy高兴的泪水,喜极而泣]Ijumpedwithjoy.我高兴地跳了起来-。【知识拓展】同义词:pleasure/fun.........
joy[dʒɒɪ] n. [C,U]欢乐,快乐;高兴;乐趣
You are my joy.你就是我的快乐。
There are tears of joy in her eyes.她眼里含着喜悦的泪花。[tears of joy高兴的泪水,喜极而泣]
I jumped with joy.我高兴地跳了起来-。
同义词:pleasure / fun / enjoyment

juice[dʒuːs] n.[C]菜汁;果汁
We have coffee, tea, juice, cola, beer. 我们提供咖啡、茶、果汁、可乐、啤酒。
fruit juice果汁‖orange juice橘子汁‖apple juice苹果汁‖lemon juice柠檬汁‖grape juice葡萄汁‖vegetable juice蔬菜汁‖tomato juice番茄汁‖pear juice梨汁‖strawberry juice草莓汁‖coconut juice椰子汁‖watermelon juice西瓜汁

I jumped over the fence.我从篱笆上跳了过去。
jump in投入‖jump out跳出‖jump over 跳过‖jump on跳上;扑向;责备‖jump into跳入;跳进……‖long jump跳远‖jump out of跳出;跳出来‖high jump跳高‖jump up跳起来;‖ jump off跳下来;‖jump down跳下;‖ jump rope跳绳游戏‖jump the queue插队;‖jump shot跳投(篮球);跳球(台球)‖jump ship弃船潜逃;‖jump at the chance抓住机会

June [dʒu:n] n.六月
I write this in June.我写作本文时间是六月。

just[dʒʌst] adj. 正义的;公平的adv○1只是,仅仅;○2刚才,刚刚;○3正好,恰好;
I've just bought a new house.我刚买了一个新房子。
just like就像,正如‖just because正因为‖just now刚才;眼下‖just before就在...之前‖just a little一点点;只是一点点‖just think试想;只想想看‖just so正是如此‖just right刚刚好,正好,恰如其分‖just do it就这么干吧;说做就做‖just then就在那时,正当那时;正在那时‖just in time及时;恰好‖just the same还是;完全一样;照旧(等于all the same)‖just in case以防万一‖
just a moment等一会儿,稍等一下‖just now  现在,刚才

Peter was a young man. He lived   1   his mother in a very big house. When his mother died, the house became too   2   for him,   3   he bought a smaller one in the next street. There was a very nice old   4   in his old house and when the men came to   5   his things to the new house for him, Peter thought, “If I let them carry my beautiful old clock in their truck, maybe they’ll   6   it and then it will be very expensive to repair it.” So he   7   and began to carry it down the road in his arms. It was heavy so he   8   two or three times to have a rest.
    Then suddenly (突然地) a small boy came along the road. He stopped and looked   9   Peter for a few minutes. Then he said to Peter, “You are a foolish (愚蠢的) man, aren’t you? Why don’t you buy a watch   10   anybody else?”
(   ) 1. A. and B. in  C. to D. with
(   ) 2. A. big B.small C.expensive D. cheap
(   ) 3. A. because B. or C. but D. so
(   ) 4. A. desk B. clock C. bed D. light
(   ) 5. A. sell  B. put  C. carry D. make
(   ) 6. A. lose B. buy C. break D. like
(   ) 7. A. picks the clock up
B. picked the clocks up
C. pick the clock up
D. picked the clock up
(   ) 8. A. walked B. ran C. Stopped D. talked
(   ) 9. A. at B. for  C. after D. up
(   ) 10. A. along B. on C. like D. with





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